Monday, June 23, 2014

Inquiry: How can we help you Nga Manu

We can help our native birds by making traps to catch the pests and predators that kill our native birds and destroy their habitat.

As part of our inquiry we got to make some traps. They are bait traps.  They are rat traps. The rat eats the poison in the trap and dies. Kayden, Riley, Henry and Antonia made a 'spin top' trap. Latai, Ollie, Emile, Corban, and Byron made a 'lift off' trap. The rat is a predator, it eats the birds eggs. It is a pest.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Pukeko Art

As part of our Inquiry, we have be learning about Pukekos. 

Here is our mixed media art. We used, sponged, painted, cut, dyed and ripped paper. We also used pastels and one white feather to create our pukekos. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014


This week we focused on our passing to others and kicking skills. Take a look at us in action.

Book Week

Book Week - Head to the library to check some cool books for sale.

This week our class went to see Mrs Gilbanks in the library as well as look through some of the books on sale.  In the library we are allowed to take out three books at a time for one whole week!!  We love choosing books for the class and for home.
We are getting better at choosing an information book and picture books.  Mrs Te Amo reads a story to us in our library time which is every Wednesday.

Room 8

God created the World

WALA:  God and to Recognise that God created everything in the World out of nothing.

In class we created our own class mural showing how God created the world in seven days.   We think our creation is just as beautiful as the one in this you tube clip! What do you think Mums and Dads.