Stage 2/3
In these stage, we are learning all about number up to 20.
Within Stage 2, we are use materials like our fingers or counters to help us work out math problems.
Within Stage 3, we are learning to image and solve problems using our minds rather than our finger, e.g. counting with our eyes or using our imaginations to picture the problem and solve it.
We will be learning to:
- read, recognise and write numbers to 20
- count forwards to and backwards from 20
- say the number before/after/between a number up to 20
- order numbers to 20
- add numbers up to 5
- add 5 to a number under 10
- know doubles to 20
- skip count in 2's to 20
- skip count in 5's and 10's to 100
- count and gather objects up to 20
- add 2 groups of object together up 20
- take away a set of objects from a group of up to 20.
Knowledge Games
W.A.L.T: Read, recognise and write numbers to 20.
W.A.L.T: Count forwards up to 20.
W.A.L.T: say the number before/after a number up to 20.

W.a.l.t: order numbers up to 20.

W.a.l.t: know doubles to 12.

W.a.l.t: know numbers that add up to 5
W.a.l.t: know numbers that add to 10.

W.a.l.t: skip count in 2's, 5's and 10's to 100.
Strategy Games

W.a.l.t: order numbers up to 20.
W.a.l.t: know doubles to 12.
W.a.l.t: know numbers that add up to 5
W.a.l.t: skip count in 2's, 5's and 10's to 100.
Strategy Games
W.a.l.t: add numbers to 10 using a number line.
W.a.l.t: add numbers to 12.
W.a.l.t: add numbers to 10 then 20 and then in our head with no fingers.
W.a.l.t: solve subtraction problems up to 10 then 20 and then in our head with no fingers.
W.a.l.t. solve addition and subtraction problems 10 then 20 and then in our head with no fingers.
Level 1 up to 10
Level 2 & 3 up to 20
If you know of a really cool game that matches one of our learning goals, please share the link via a comment.
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