Thursday, July 31, 2014

Fish art

On Friday, Mrs Gunn showed Room 8 & 9 how to create some beautiful paste and dye fish art.

We learnt how to draw fish using simple shapes and lines. We also learnt how to colour them in using bright colourful pastels, making sure not to leave any white spaces, so that when we dyed the water blue our fishes wouldn't turn blue too.

Here are Room 8's fish art. Thank you Mrs Gunn for showing us how to create them.

Macauley and the digger

Today Macauley saw the grey digger behind the fence.  He was so excited he rushed in to tell me where it was because he didnt want me to miss out on seeing it.

Here he is looking very proud in front of his favourite thing.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Blog commenting

Today Great 8 and Incredible 9 met to talk about blog comments.
Aaron told us that a blog is a place on the internet where we can share and keep our learning.
We talked about how we can share what we think about what we have seen.  This is called a comment.

We talked about what a great blog comment would have.
We decided that when we comment we always have to:
Say hello, bula, kia ora etc
Then we say something about the learning we have seen.
Next we can leave a question
Finally we can say something nice again.

Can you follow this way of commenting when you see something on our blog that you want to comment about?

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

WALA: Different ways to pray. Meditation

Meditation is one way we can pray.  Meditation is hearts talking and hearts listening when talking to God.   We must be still like calm water and take deep breaths to help us relax.  Here we are practising ways to be still and share our thoughts with God.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Grandparents Day

Here is the dance we learnt for our Grandparents and Parents. Dean taught it to us. We learnt it with Room 9. The kids came up with all the moves and Dean helped us make it into a dance. Thanks Dean for all your help.

Here are some pictures of us with our Grandparents and Parents when we had our shared lunch. Even Mrs Te Amo's son Jackson join us.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Writing with chalk

Liam and Maia are our new Great 8 friends this week they had fun writing their name outside with chalk.
What great learners they are!!

Play dough letters are Fun

We are the Snakes reading group.  Today we practised making playdough letters.  When we learn about letters it helps us to read our words.
Z for Zebra.

O for octopus.

U for umbrella.

b for bouncy ball... 
(but our bouncy ball got squashed before we could take the picture... oppsy)

WALT: use non standard units to measure lengths.

This week in Maths we used the cuisenaire rods to measure how long objects are in the classroom.
Finley "I was measuring the carpet I used way more than 10 rods"
"I was measuring the table and I used lots of pink rods" said Maia
"I was measuring the table" said Liam
"I measured the table too with the black rods" said Macauley
"I was measuring the red table" said Cledwyn

Monday, July 21, 2014

Welcome to our new class mates

Welcome back to Term 3.  I hope everyone had a great holiday and lots of rest.  This term we will be super busy meeting new friends and learning about our bodies and other wonderful things.
We welcome the following students and their families to Great 8.  Let the learning begin.
Maia, Jonty, Finley, Macauley,