Monday, August 18, 2014

WALT: use bean bags to give our brains and body an energy boost.

In class we use the bean bags to help with our coordination, give our bodies an energy boost and to keep our brains active.  They are lots of fun take a look and try at home if you can!!


  1. Hi Great 8's.
    We like your bean bag learning!!
    Why do you have bean bag's on your head?
    From Linnea & Patrick

    1. HI Linnea and Patrick thank you for your comment. We put the bean bags on our head because that is one of the actions from the song and it is fun to see if we can balance on our heads as we move around.
      You should ask Mrs Cosgrove to try this with your class. Let us know if you need some bean bags.

      from Room 8

  2. Looks like you guys are having lots of fun and doing lots of learning! From Kayden's Dad and his sister Anja.
