Friday, May 16, 2014


As part of our tuning in and finding out about some native NZ birds, We first had to figure what are native New Zealand birds are. Here is a book sort we did of what we thought would be a native New Zealand bird just by looking at the cover.

Then we actually looked inside the books and read and scanned for information about where the birds came from. We looked for maps, the words New Zealand and pictures that may tell us where they came from. This is our after sort.

We really liked the books about kiwis, so for our first Native bird we had decided to focus on them. First  we read a story about the Kiwi.  The book told us lots of information and facts.  We thought we would draw a picture and create some art around this special bird.

Kayden's wondering: If kiwi's have strong legs and sharp claws, can they use them to climb trees?

Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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