Monday, May 26, 2014

Mt Bruce Reflection

All of the Junior School went to Mt Bruce to learn about the Kiwi and other native birds.

We learnt...

North Island kākā. Photo: Herb Christophers. DOC USE ONLY.
The Kaka is a native NZ bird and it is endangered.

A long time ago there was a bird called a Moa but now it is extinct.

Manukura, the rare white kiwi. Photo copyright: Mike Heydon, Jet Productions.
Manukura was born at Pukaha Mt Bruce.

The kaka birds make a mess in their cages.

The Kokako is another N.Z bird.

Wild cats, dogs, rats and stoats kill the birds.

People must look after the kiwis so the stoats, cats and rats don't eat them.

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